
I think my best friend is the funniest person I know. She may be the next Chelsea Handler, but brunette and not Jewish. I've told her I'll be her Chuy, because I'm short and can just sit on the side and laugh at her. I've decided to share our personal conversations with you so that you can get a little laughter, too. And so that I can make her famous one day.

*Ladies and gentlemen: the stories you are about to hear are true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Would you rather?

Dear DJ,
So I set 6 alarms every day. If I get up for the first one, I go to the gym. If I decide to skip the gym, I usually make it to alarm 4 before I get up for work. I made it to alarm 6 today and was nearly late for work. I feel so nauseated this morning. If I was having sex and wasn't on my period I would be freaking out that I was pregnant.. to add to my nausea my students are playing "Would You Rather?". So far I have heard "Would you rather"..."pee out of your nose or smell out of your private part," "Take a D up the ass and be a millionaire or be poor for the rest of your life," "eat poo everyday for the rest of your life or smell like it," "lay naked in a tub of cock roaches or dive in a pool of tobacco spit." They would not stopping asking me my choice in these scenarios so I asked them if they would rather have Cheetoh hands for the rest of their life or swim in a pool of period blood.... The funny thing is they all acted horrified as if I actually pushed them in a pool of period blood. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get them to shut the hell up. Me=1 Students=0. (I think that it is disturbing that I have mentioned period twice (now three times in this email).

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