
I think my best friend is the funniest person I know. She may be the next Chelsea Handler, but brunette and not Jewish. I've told her I'll be her Chuy, because I'm short and can just sit on the side and laugh at her. I've decided to share our personal conversations with you so that you can get a little laughter, too. And so that I can make her famous one day.

*Ladies and gentlemen: the stories you are about to hear are true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


BFF: Remember Friedal?

DJ: Yes! Hahaha! No worries! Wonder what he's doing now?

BFF: I'm trying to look him up on Facebook but not having any success. I'm not positive that I'm spelling it right.

DJ: Friedal? I don't know...

BFF: Me either. I'll try it with an "a." It's probably with a "ph."

DJ: Phreedal? Maybe it has a silent "k."

BFF: Kphridal? or Freedell? Tsfreedell?

DJ: Any ideas on a last name?

BFF: We just felt each other up. It never got to last names. Well, he touched my bra under my turtleneck in the commons area of Copper Mountain.

DJ: That takes skill. Did he go from the top or the bottom?

BFF: Never the bottom. I'm like a black diamond. You have to prove you can make it to the bottom. It never got that far. Another couple Vodka tonics with grenadine. I might have let him but the two I had on top of the altitude wasn't enough to go whorehouse unfortunately.

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